Sauk Prairie

There are currently 2 neighbors in needWe have fulfilled 667 needs since July 1, 2012

Fulfill a Need

View the list of the current needs of our Sauk Prairie neighbors. Fulfill a Need

Are You in Need?

If you have a need in the Sauk Prairie area click to fill out the form. Request a Need

Fulfilled Needs

View our archive of completed and fulfilled need requests. Needs Archive

Sauk Prairie Area Includes:

Blackhawk, Denzer, Leland, Lodi, Mazomanie, Merrimac, Plain, Prairie du Sac, Roxbury, Sauk City, Spring Green, Witwen

How it Began in the Sauk Prairie Area

Read the Story

Need Assistance?

If a person does not have access to the website: to complete a request a need form, they may call (608) 644-0504, ext. 18 and leave a message with your name,address and a phone number and a volunteer will return you call.

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Our New Mailing Address Is PO Box 1562 Great Falls, MT 59403