Current Needs - 4 Total Needs Listed
This is a list of the current needs of our neighbors. If you are interested in helping, please click on the "Fulfill this need!" button to get started. If there are no active needs please consider donating to help fulfill the next need request that comes in!
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My Neighbor in Need-Unemployed mother of two seeking work, is in need of a gently used/clean queen bed system (mattress and box spring) and gently used/clean table with four chairs. If you are able to help with this need,and have either a gently used/clean queen bed system (mattress and box spring) and/or a gently used/clean table with four chairs and you would like to help, PLEASE CLICK THE FULFILL THIS NEED BUTTON and let us know how you would like to help. Thank you!
My Neighbor in Need-Young mother of two, recently got into own place and is in need of a gently used/clean couch and gently used/clean Queen Bed System (mattress and box spring). If you are able to help with this need, and have a Queen Bed System and gently used/clean couch you would like to donate, PLEASE CLICK THE FULFILL THIS NEED BUTTON and let us know how you would like to help. Thank you!
My Neighbor in Need- Unemployed lady recently moved into apartment and is in need of a gently used/clean Queen Bed System (mattress and box spring) and gently used/clean couch. Currently no funds to purchase items. If you are able to help with this need, and have a Queen Bed System (mattress and box spring) and gently used/clean couch you would like to donate, PLEASE CLICK THE FULFILL THIS NEED BUTTON and let us know how you would like to help. Thank you!
My Neighbor in Need - Veteran with medical issues who is residing at Men's Shelter, is in need of a bus pass to get around town as he has a bad knee and is waiting on surgery. A monthly bus pass costs $30. If you can help, you can either purchase the bus pass from Great Falls Transit or make a donation to My Neighbor in Need and we will buy the pass on your behalf. If you are able to assist, please call our office at (406) 750-2542, or click on the fulfill this need button and let us know how you are able to help. Thank you!
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