Archive of fulfilled needs
This is a list of all the needs we have fulfilled. To date, we have fulfilled 59 needs total!
Post Date
Fulfilled Date
My neighbor in need- young woman who just moved into apt. requests furniture, baby items, dishes, tv and stand. Her boyfriend is working, but she is unemployed and expecting a baby in a couple months. They do not own a vehicle and rely on friends for transportation. MNIN was able to give her a voucher to purchase table and chairs from Miscellany, and some previously donated dishes and coffee table. She was also given resources who provide prenatal assistance and baby items. She is aware of transit services. If you are able to donate towards the voucher cost, please either phone MNIN at 357-8080 or online at myneighborinneed.org, Chinook, "donate" it would be greatly appreciated . Thank you so much!
My neighbor in need- A widowed senior is moving to a rental home that does not have a washer and dryer. Due to some mobility issues, she is requesting assistance with these appliances. With the expense of moving, she just doesn't have the finances to purchase new appliances. If you have a good used set, or wish to donate towards a set, please phone Chinook My Neighbor in Need at 357-8080. If you would like to donate online, visit myneighborinneed.org/ chinook and "donate". Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need- Single female disabled veteran is trying to get by on low income in addition to some part time work. She is requesting a recliner to replace one that was given to her several years ago. It is very low to the floor and she has great difficulty getting into and out of it. If you would like to donate a good used recliner or contribute any amount to the purchase of a new one, please call Chinook My Neighbor in Need at 406- 357- 3232. Online, go to myneighborinneed.org/Chinook/donate. Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need- Single retired woman living on limited income requesting assistance for auto repair. She has been saving money for a year and nearly has enough to pay for the repair. Thanks to the generous shop owner, the balance she now owes after she has paid what she could is $200. If you feel you could donate either all of this balance or a portion, please contact MNIN at 357-8080. Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need- Single hard working woman requests a good refrigerator. She came home from a day trip to find her refrigerator not working. A repair man has told her it is not repairable. She is trying to live on a low income and just cannot afford a new refrigerator at this time. If you have a gently used one or are willing to help with the purchase of one, please call My Neighbor in Need at 357-8080. If you would like to donate online go to myneighborinneed.org, Chinook and "donate". Thank you very much!
My neighbor in Need- Unemployed young male with wife and two young children recently arrived in town from out of state.They have been told that there will soon be ranch work available. They have located a low rent appt for living quarters, but have no furnishings. They are requesting beds and kitchen items, bedding, couch and dressers. If you have any household items, new or used they would be appreciated. Please phone Chinook my neighbor in need at 357-8080 or go online at myneighborinneed.org, select Chinook and "donate". Thank you very much!
My Neighbor in Need- Woman requires wheel chair for mobility. She is an amputee who uses a wheel chair for local transport . She has the responsibility for all errands for she and her husband as he is also disabled.
My neighbor in need- low income single woman is requesting a recliner. Due to shoulder and back problems she has difficulty sleeping in a bed. If you have a new or gently used recliner it would be greatly appreciated. Phone Chinook MNIN at 357-8080 or donate online at myneighborinneed.org/Chinook. Thank you very much!
My Neighbor in Need- Young man has just moved into a home, and recently has a full time job. He is trying to make a home for his young children who presently visit him on weekends. He has beds, but is in need of living room furniture. If you have gently used sofa and chair, please phone MNIN at 357-8080 or online go to myneighborinneed.org/chinook and "donate". Thank you!
My neighbor in need- Mother and young daughter recently moved to the community from out of state. They have rented an apt. and have been sleeping on sleeping bags on the floor and a borrowed sofa. They were able to bring small items with them in the car, but otherwise have no furniture other than what has been borrowed. Friend has requested a bed for them and whatever other furnishings to make their apt more comfortable. If you have a gently used dresser or a table and chairs please phone my neighbor in need at 357-8080 or online go to myneighborinneed.org/chinook and "donate". thank you very much!
Single mother of three has just gotten into an apartment and is hoping to get her three children back. She was given one bed but needs two twin sized beds before the kids can live with her.
my neighbor in need- Woman and young adult daughter requesting a recliner. Mother has been out of work for some time due to health issues, and is now facing another surgery. MNIN has been able to provide her with a bed and dresser thanks to previous generous donors. She is requesting a recliner to more comfortably rest as she recovers from surgery. If you have a good, used recliner and would like to donate, phone my neighbor in need at 357- 8080 . If you would like to donate online, go to myneighborinneed.org, Chinook and "donate". Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need- Young teenage male needs bicycle. He lives far from his workplace and is often late due to no transportation. If you have a good working bicycle and would like to donate it, please call my neighbor in need at 357-8080. If you'd rather make your contact online, go to myneighborinneed.org, choose Chinook and donate. Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need- Young man has just moved to an apartment. He has a full time job now, but needs furniture for this apartment. A friend gave him a bed, he has an office chair to sit on, and MNIN was able to give him a few dishes and bedding that was previously donated. He would appreciate anything that would help make this apartment a home. If you have anything new or gently used, please phone MNIN at 357-8080 or online go to myneighborinneed.org, choose Chinook and "donate". Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need - A couple is requesting a clothes washer and dryer. They live on a limited income and assist in the community in volunteer capacities. The washer and dryer that they had been using was old and finally just quit working. They just do not have the finances to replace them. If you could donate a good used electric washer and dryer please phone Chinook MNIN at 357-8080 or online at myneighborinneed.org, Chinook, "donate". They would be so appreciative! Thank you so much!
My neighbor in need- Hard working grandparents were asked to take four children on an emergency basis in August. They have yet to be reimbursed from the state for their needs. The two younger children have moved in with their daughter and son-in-law. Both couples have gone through the process to become foster parents. It would be very much appreciated to get some help especially with groceries for these children. If you could make a donation please phone MNIN, Chinook at 357-8080 or online at myneighborinneed.org, Chinook, "donate". Thank you so much!
My neighbor in need- Young couple has five children of their own. They took a foster child recently who was in desperate need of a placement. They are working towards being approved as foster parents but so far have not received financial help. Any help would be greatly appreciated until they are able to receive assistance through DFS. If you would like to donate towards groceries for this child, please phone MNIN at 357-8080 or online go to myneighborinneed.org, choose Chinook and "donate". Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need- A single hardworking grandmother on a limited income recently became caregiver for her young grandchild. She is requesting a new or gently used twin bed. If you have a gently used or would care to purchase a new bed, please phone my neighbor in need at 357-8080. If you wish to go online, go to myneighborinneed.org, Chinook area, and "donate". Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need- Single grandmother on limited income recently moved to this area from out of state to be closer to family. She came with only what would fit in her car, and due to unforeseen expenses is unable to purchase furniture at this time. She is in need of a table and chairs, living room furniture and dresser if possible. She would appreciate any item. If you are able to donate any of these gently used or new, please phone MNIN at 357-8080 or go online to myneighborinneed.org, choose Chinook and "donate". Thank you so much!
My neighbor in need- very low income family with two small children in need of refrigerator and table and chairs. Their furnace does not work, and since they have to rely on a wood stove for warmth, they are also requesting winter clothing for their daughter size 4T and son who wears size 5. Any new or gently used items would be greatly appreciated! If you are able to donate please either phone 357-8080 or online go to myneighborinneed.org, select Chinook and "donate". Thank you very much!