Archive of fulfilled needs
This is a list of all the needs we have fulfilled. To date, we have fulfilled 59 needs total!
Post Date
Fulfilled Date
My neighbor in need- Single mother of five children is requesting furniture, especially beds to enable her to move her family back in to own home. She and her children have been living temporarily with her mother in a two bedroom home since returning from caring for her ill father out of town. If you are able to donate any gently used furniture she would appreciate it very much. You can do this by either calling Chinook MNIN at 357- 8080 or online at myneighborinneed.org, Chinook, "donate". Thank you very much!
My Neighbor in Need- grandmother has just moved into low rent housing with her three grandchildren. She is requesting beds, dresser, rugs and bedding. If you have any of these items in new or gently used condition , please call my neighbor in need at 357-8080 or go online to myneighborinneed.org, Chinook area and select donate. Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need- Young family of five recently returned to a repaired home that had been damaged by fire. They had lost belongings and furniture. They had an immediate request for food which was met by the food pantry. They are currently sleeping on old twin mattresses and a queen which does not fit on the regular size frame. They have a washer and dryer which the husband will attempt to repair. If you have any gently used beds , kitchen chairs or eating utensils please phone MNIN at 357-8080 or go online to myneighborinneed.org, Chinook and click donate. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
My neighbor in need- couple with five children just returned from work overseas to Chinook and purchased home. Not being able to bring most of belongings with them and with bills pilling up, they need furniture. They are requesting dining table, couch, file cabinets, mattresses and bunk beds. If you have any of these items in gently used condition, anything would be greatly appreciated. Please phone MNIN at 357-8080 and leave message or online go to myneighborinneed.org, Chinook and click donate. Thank you very much!
Neighbor in Need- retired woman living on social security as her only income is in need of a complete full or queen size bed. She has been sleeping on the floor since early June. She gave up her bed to her son as he is recovering from surgery. If you have a gently used/clean bed that you wish to donate, please phone Chinook MNIN at 357-8080. Online at myneihborinneed.org select Chinook area and click on fulfill this need. Thank you so much!
Young person on limited income is in need of new tires for her bicycle. This is the sole transportation, so it has become a very important need. My Neighbor in Need volunteers have inquired into the estimated expense of new tires including the mounting expense. If you are able to donate all or any part of the estimated cost of $130. please either phone MNIN at 357-8080 or if you wish to donate on line, go to myneighborinneed.org, select Chinook area and "donate". Thank you very much!
My neighbor in need- Disabled woman just moved back to MT. She had been in an automobile accident and required medical assistance from family. After spending recovery time out of state she wishes to make a home for herself, two grown sons, and two daughters while she continues her recovery. She has been able to obtain some furniture, but is still in need of two beds, bedding, towels and kitchen items. If you could help with any or all(new or gently used) of these items, please phone Chinook My Neighbor in Need at 357-8080 or go online to myneighborinneed.org, select Chinook area and click donate. Thank you very much!
My Neighbor in Need - Older couple is in need of a gas card to help with fuel while spending time out of town due to a family emergency. My Neighbor in Need determined that this was an immediate need so we helped them with a $20 "gas-only" card and now we are looking for reimbursement so we can be ready to help with the next immediate need. If you can assist, PLEASE CLICK ON THE FULFILL THIS NEED REQUEST BUTTON and let us know how you would like to assist. Thank you and God Bless!
Neighbor in Need - A hard working single female moved to town from another state. She is working full time and has been living in a fully furnished apartment, knowing she would have to move when an unfurnished one came available. She has no furniture and very few household items. Her biggest need is a bed. Other furniture and household items would be appreciated also. If you can help please give call us at (406) 357-8080 or click on the Fulfill This Need Request button. Thank you.
Neighbor in Need - Grandmother caring for her grandchild who is autistic, is in need of a used/working refrigerator as she has been without one for several months. If you are able to assist, please call 406-357-8080 and let us know how you can help. Thank you and God Bless!
My Neighbor in Need - Grandmother is requesting a bed for her six year old grandson. Also in need of a living room chair, kitchen items (pots/pans, dishes, silverware. She owns her own home and has lived there for 14 years. She receives Social security. If you can assist, please call 406-357-8080 and let us know how you can help. Thank you and God Bless!
Neighbor in Need- Single hard-working low income mother of four recently moved to new residence in new town. She has beds for four of them , a sofa in living room and basic kitchen utensils. She is requesting a bed for teenage son, kitchen table and chairs, and dressers at this time. If you could help her get her feet on the ground by providing any of these items, she would greatly appreciate the help. To donate, please phone My Neighbor in Need volunteers at 357-8080 or go online to myneighborinneed.org, Chinook and click "donate". Thank you very much!
Disabled father with two children moving into own apartment. He has made a deposit on the apt. and will be able to pay the rent, but he owns no household items to establish a home for the three of them. He would appreciate anything his neighbors would be able to donate . He is especially in need a bed for each of them, kitchen table and chairs,and living room furniture. UPDATE: MNIN volunteers delivered beds and bedding that had been previously donated . Huge thanks to these generous donors! If you could help in any way, phone MNIN at 357- 8080 or donate online at www.myneighborinneed.org,, go to Chinook and click donate. Thank you so much!
My neighbor in need- Man with two daughters just moved into a house. He has just one bed, kitchen table and a few dishes. He would like to have beds for his daughters, some furniture for the living room and if possible, a washing machine.UPDATE: A twin bed set with bedding , framed pictures for living room were delivered. If you could donate any of the remaining items please call My Neighbor in Need at 357-8080 or to donate online go to myneighborinneed.org, select Chinook and donate. Thank you very much for helping your neighbor!
Single mom who is a college student has been able to rent a Section 8 apartment but has no furnishings for it except a bed. She is living with her father now until she can get furnishings enough to set up a household.She could use any household items including living rm. furniture, kitchen table and chairs, kitchen items, etc. A crib for her child would also be greatly appreciated as he is currently sleeping with her. The crib would need to be less than five years old to meet current safety requirements.UPDATE: MNIN was able to supply some previously donated living room items, a twin bed and a few kitchen items.Thanks to those generous donors, she will be able to move into her own apt. She could still use a small kitchen table, crib and small kitchen items. If you can help with any part of this need, please either phone my neighbor in need at 357-8080 or online go to myneighborinneed .org, go to the Chinook site and select donate. Thank you very much!
Neighbor in Need- Woman trying to get by on limited income has been contending with a leaky roof, but realizes that is a greater need than MNIN can fulfill. She hopes to have her son assist her in getting this fixed. Has a borrowed bed that is serving as her couch and bed in the living room. She requests a sofa for the living room and if she could get a bed she'd be able to return the borrowed one that she is currently using. If you can help, please either phone 357-8080 or go online at myneighborinneed.ore, choose Chinook and "donate". Thank you very much!UPDATE: MNIN volunteers were able to deliver a sofa and bed to this woman due to previous donations. Thank you very much to these generous donors! YOU ROCK!!
My neighbor in need -Young mother on low income requesting two twin beds for daughters. Three young daughters now sleeping in one queen-size bed. MNIN has one good clean used twin complete set just donated. If you have a good clean used twin bed set or would be able to help MNIN with the purchase of a new set, please either go to myneighborinneed.org, go to the Chinook site and select donate, or phone MNIN at 357-8080. "You rock" award to the generous donors! Thank you very much!
Neighbor in Need - Mother of four is in need of beds for older three girls, crib for a 2 mo. old baby.The older girls are sleeping on floor on old mattresses at this time, the baby's sleeping with mom. Any size new or gently used complete beds for the older girls, a new or nearly used crib for the baby would be greatly appreciated. If you would be able to any of these or provide funds to purchase, please phone My Neighbor in Need at 357-8080 or to donate online go to myneighborinneed.org, choose Chinook and choose to donate. Thank you very much!
Neighbor in need- Mother with two children moving into home. In need of household furnishings as soon as possible. This includes several items including appliances, but she will accept anything donor(s) able to assist with.UPDATE: She does have a bed and some dishes, but is in dire need of other furnishings including a refrigerator. If you can help this young mother, please phone My Neighbor in Need at 357-8080 or go online to myneighborinneed.org, scroll to Chinook and click on donate. Thank you very much!
My Neighbor in Need- Young man living on disability income recently moved into first apartment. Has some furniture given to him by family, but his bed has broken frame and torn mattress. Requesting queen mattress and box spring, kitchen table, chairs and small dresser.UPDATE: Now has queen mattress and box springs. Thanks so much to a generous donor! Still needs bed frame, kitchen table, chairs and small dresser. They do not need to be new. If you have good used furnishings that you'd like to donate, please call my neighbor in need at 357-2709. Thank you!