Approved Need Request Categories

Beds (Twin, Full, Queen)

Furniture (kitchen table/chairs, couch, loveseat, recliner, sitting chair, dresser, coffee table, etc)

Appliances (microwave)

Housewares (pots & pans, coffeemaker, hot plate, dishware, glasses & cups, silverware, towels, bedding, blankets)

Medical Equipment (wheel chair, lift chair, walker, hospital bed, blood pressure pump, canes, crutches, shower chair/bench, shower/tub bar)

Emergency Fuel For Your Vehicle (driver’s license, registration & insurance in your name is required)

Auto Repairs – $600 limit – applicant must be able to pay at minimum ½ of the total cost of the repairs in advance of services being performed. We are unable to post need requests for major repairs such as: transmission or engine rebuilds. (driver’s license, registration & insurance in your name is required)

 Tires – $600 limit—generally the applicant must be able to pay ½ in advance of services being performed. (driver’s license, registration & insurance in your name is required)

Bus/Transit Passes – Local transportation only.

Medical Trip Expenses – Executive Director must approve.

We will also consider other need requests on a case by case basis.

Our New Mailing Address Is PO Box 1562 Great Falls, MT 59403